A trade customer and his wife came touring the UK from the USA. Of course we had to show our hospitality as they had with us in Las Vegas bringing 2 Lambrettas for us to ride! That was the best thing about our Vegas trip – riding down the full length of the strip in shorts and tee shirt at 9pm in 40 degrees heat!

So me and Alice put them up for a few days chatting, drinking and eating. On the Tour of our workshop our customer said he wanted to buy my Spanish Scooter. He kept saying it, when another good customer who was there said he also wanted it our American friend shoved a bunch of cash to secure it!

The price was agreed. Then he said ‘he wanted the engine stripping and a MB Race-Tour 195 Reed doing and all up grading as he wanted to tour Spain and Portugal with his 17 year old son on it the next year’!

Well that wasn’t expected.

Whilst we were at it he wanted, the bike overhauling but to use all the original screws with rust on. That’s not like us were all new shinny stainless in our shop, so we even had to crawl on the floor to find rusty fasteners!

The bike was stripped, cabled, wired, new tyres, upgraded suspension and generally  tidied up but still keeping it as factory as we could.

We shipped the bike to another customer down south and the year later he did get on the ferry and toured Northern Spain with his son. A year later he came over and toured Portugal with no modifications to the bike as it ran perfect for him. And thats a nice father son story to be involved with.